Birthday Song

TV’s were black and white. 
Our lives were shades of gray. 
Families sat on their porch, 
To pass the time of day.    

Mom stayed home to raise the kids. 
TV showed the way. 
People rarely questioned what 
Our leaders had to say. 

Hey, hey! Sometimes when I remember, 
Hey, hey! Could our lives have been better? Hey, hey! 

Perfect attendance, 
Every week at Sunday School. 
Dress codes and short haircuts were our education rules. 

The town was filled with factories, 
Where neighbors worked and sweat. 
People actually worried, 
‘bout the national debt. 

Hey, hey! Sometimes when I remember, 
Hey, hey! Could our lives have been better? Hey, hey! 

That we lived, no matter what our call. 
To have loved, better than not at all. 
Memories of times gone past. 
Moments of youth, they can’t last.

Beatles had a new tune. 
We landed on the moon. 
Dazzled by the rich. 
Happiness was coming soon.

Our President was shot, 
And then there were more. 
Parents didn’t talk about, 
The Vietnam war 

Hey, hey! Sometimes when I remember, 
Hey, hey! Could our lives have been better? Hey, hey! 

Walking to school. Riding bikes all day. 
Drills crawling under our desk. 
Strikes supporting the Union way. 
Mom and Dad knew what was best. 

Parents born in the depression, 
Growing up during World War II. 
A better life for their children, 
Told anything we want, we could do. 

Hey, hey! Sometimes when I remember, 
Hey, hey! Could our lives have been better? Hey, hey!